Maryland Chamber Federation

There are currently 30 local and regional chambers and statewide associations representing more than 6,400 businesses participating in the Maryland Chamber Federation. And the Maryland Tourism Coalition is one of them! What does this mean for MTC Members?
Representing local and regional chambers of commerce and associations
The Maryland Chamber of Commerce is proud to have formed the Maryland Chamber Federation, a partnership with Maryland’s local and regional chambers of commerce, along with statewide associations, focused on grassroots advocacy and ensuring the voice of our state’s small businesses is heard at the local, state and federal levels.
Benefits for regional, county and local chambers and associations
Participation in the Maryland Chamber Federation gives chambers and associations a valuable sales and retention tool, increased influence in the state legislature, and access to timely information, resources and opportunities. Participating Chambers also are eligible for a rotating annual appointment on the Maryland Chamber of Commerce’s Legislative Committee.
Benefits for small businesses
Through the Maryland Chamber Federation, any business with 10 or fewer full-time employees who are members of a participating local chamber will receive free Federation membership into the Maryland Chamber of Commerce. If you are a long time member of MTC and have not updated your Personify Profile or filled out the online application and have 10 or less employees and would like to take advantage of this new benefit (a $750 value), please contact MTC Admin, Stuart Rice.