2025 MTC Legislative Committee Policy
- The committee’s purposes are determining the legislative priorities of the corporation, developing strategies to achieve those priorities, evaluating proposed federal, state, and local legislation, and then recommending whether the corporation should support, oppose, and/or take additional action on said legislation.
- Legislative Committee voting membership shall consist of three (3) association representatives, three (3) DMO/Chamber of Commerce representatives, and three (3) at large representatives, as well as the committee chair and board chair. A representative from the Maryland Office of Tourism, the corporation’s lobbying firm, and the corporation’s Executive Director shall serve in an advisory, non-voting capacity. All committee members must also be members of the corporation in good standing.
- Decisions on legislative action to be taken by the corporation will be decided by a majority vote of the committee members after discussion and careful consideration. Other association members may attend meetings and contribute to discussion, but will not be permitted to vote.
- The Legislative Committee will convene year-round from time to time, and weekly during the 90-day session of the Maryland General Assembly, either in person or via Zoom Call. Conference calls will be open to all MTC members in good standing.
- In order to have the Legislative Committee to take a position on a bill that is not on our tracker or are requesting to have a letter signed or to provide testimony, either oral or written, you must fill out the Google Form to have the Bill reviewed by the voting membership of the Legislative Committee.
2024 MTC Legislative Wrap-Up Report
2025 Committee Members
- Matt Libber – Maryland SoccerPlex (MTC Legislative Chair)
- Susan Jones – Ocean City Hotel Motel Restaurant Association (MTC Chair)
- Deb Carter – Maryland Association of Campgrounds (Prof. Assoc.)
- Mia Blom – Visit Baltimore (DMO/Chamber)
- Laura Iversen – Watermark Journey (at large)
- Amanda Hof – Visit Howard County (at large)
- Melanie Pursel – Worcester County Tourism (DMO/Chamber)
- Chris Riehl – Baltimore Rent-A-Tour (at large)
- John Stefanick – Marine Trades Association of Maryland (at large)
- Ashli Workman, MDMO – (Prof. Assoc.)
- Gigi Windley – Kent Narrows Development Foundation (Prof. Assoc.)
Non-Voting Advisory Members
- Frank Boston – MTC Lobbyist
- Liz Fitzsimmons – Maryland Office of Tourism
- Ruth Toomey – MTC Executive Director
Members in Good Standing can join calls every Monday at Noon during session and once a month for the rest of the year.
Please email Ruth Toomey to receive Call-In Details